
José Juan Sánchez

José Juan Sánchez worked in different business development positions in large IT companies like Fujitsu, and more recently Exact Software, were he held the position of West Europe Marketing Manager. José Juan holds a Bachelor Degree in Communication Sciences, Advertising and Public Relations by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, a Master in Marketing from ICADE, and a PMD (Program for Management Development) from ESADE Business School.
Data movement killed the BI star

Data Movement Killed the BI Star

Reading Time: 5 minutesBusiness Intelligence (BI) is critical for the success of today’s enterprise. However, many companies still struggle to figure out how to use analytics to take advantage of their data. It is not the informational BI tools they have; it’s simply…

Data Silos
Data Science

Data Silos: Beat the Gremlins!

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhile companies focus on obtaining a holistic view of their data to make insight-driven decisions, chief data officers struggle with the uncontrollable growth of hundreds of data silos and different information systems that prevent them from delivering true business value….
