
Data Governance

Bridging the Insurance Divide: How Data Sharing and Governance Strengthen Underwriter-Broker Collaboration
Analytics, Data Governance, Data Science, Technology

Bridging the Insurance Divide: How Data Sharing and Governance Strengthen Underwriter-Broker Collaboration

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the intricate world of insurance, the relationship between underwriters and brokers is pivotal. Brokers serve as trusted advisors, connecting clients to the best-fit policies, while underwriters assess risks and ensure the financial viability of coverage. Despite their shared goals,…

Denodo and the Gartner Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Data Integration Tools, 2024
Business, Data Governance, Data Management, Data Science

Denodo and the Gartner Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Data Integration Tools, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutesData integration is an important part of Denodo’s broader logical data management capabilities, which include data governance, a universal semantic layer, and a full-featured, business-friendly data catalog that not only lists all available data but also enables immediate access directly…

Active Data Architecture: The Need of the Hour
Business, Data Governance, Data Management, Data Science

Active Data Architecture: The Need of the Hour

Reading Time: 3 minutesAs organizations continue to pursue increasingly time-sensitive use-cases including customer 360° views, supply-chain logistics, and healthcare monitoring, they need their supporting data infrastructures to be increasingly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. Howard Dresner refers to such infrastructures as “active data architecture.” Dresner…

Unleash the Power of Generative AI and Denodo Platform to Deliver a Differentiated 10-K Performance with Clinical Trial Data
Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance, Data Management, Technology

Unleash the Power of Generative AI and Denodo Platform to Deliver a Differentiated 10-K Performance with Clinical Trial Data

Reading Time: 3 minutesOne of the biggest frustrations across the board in healthcare and clinical research is poor quality data. High quality data is essential for clinical trials, as well as for improving healthcare for patients. But all too often, clinical researchers are…
