
Data Governance

Data Governance

Making Sense Of A Patchwork Of Technologies

Reading Time: 3 minutesOne constant trend of society is its continuous evolution into more intricate systems, with processes, markets, products and consumer needs becoming more and more complex over time. A common strategy for organizations to handle this increasing complexity has been specialization:…

Data Governance

The 3 Stage Evolution of Data Federation

Reading Time: 4 minutesFirst there was EII (Enterprise Information Integration) otherwise known as data federation. Data federation technologies allow one central data store (virtual or physical) to link to one or more remote data sources. The central store allows the consuming application to…

Data Governance

Data Governance: What’s in it for me?

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Problem  “How do I find mouse epithelial cell lines?” “I’m looking for a mus musculus prostate cell line—does anyone have one?”  “I need some CRL-2731, where is it?”  While scientists may recognize that these questions could all have the…
