
Data Science

Is Data the New Oil
Cloud, Data Science, Technology

Is Data the New Oil?

Reading Time: 2 minutes A recent post, on the cost and impact of persisted data, got me thinking: If data is the new oil, as some believe, then data virtualization is akin to the electrification of gas/petrol-powered cars. An Inconvenient Truth Cloud migration strategies,…

Clouds in Africa only Bring Rain
Cloud, Data Science

Clouds in Africa only Bring Rain

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Clouds in Africa only bring rain” – A former business partner said this to me about five years ago, before I worked at Denodo, about the future of cloud technology in Africa. Recently we held our first Denodo user group…

How Green Is Your Data?
Business, Data Science, Technology

How Green Is Your Data?

Reading Time: 2 minutes It seems like a strange question, but consider how much energy is consumed by blockchain, and in particular, Bitcoin. According to recent reports by the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance, Bitcoin consumed about 0.55% of the world’s electricity production in…
