Business users across the enterprise require access to complete and related information, and they need access to this data in real-time, they need Fast Data.
For example, in order to understand and identify opportunities for cross-sell and up-sell, customer facing teams need to know which customers have bought what products (and which products they need), the channels through which they purchased the product, and whether they have active warranties for example.
The challenge though is that access to the right data, in the right latency from the underlying systems to facilitate this analysis is not easy: data is buried in many different and isolated systems, is stored in different formats and requires different methods of access.
Business doesn’t just stop though. Users often have to resort to manual integration of the data to jump these hurdles, having to directly access the data in the source systems and combine it on their desktops. Even if IT have bandwidth to respond to business requests for additional data, typically they have to create some form of point-to-point and batch integration, which is time consuming and can be error prone. As a result, it takes way too long to get the answers to business users.
So the bottlenecks caused through integration become bottlenecks for the business, reducing business agility.
Data virtualization helps overcome the challenges of providing Fast Data, through abstraction of the data consumers from the complexities of the underlying systems, data formats and access methods. Data virtualization acts as a single virtual repository that federates the data in real-time to the consumers, removing the need for costly manual or physical data staging and integration and delivering data to the consumer in a more agile fashion.
As a by product, data virtualization solutions store and publish metadata about the data sources they access and the rules they apply for combining and publishing the integrated data. This enables business users to quickly discover the data they need, and data virtualization to become the focal point of data discovery within the enterprise.
Denodo’s latest platform release, Denodo 6.0 extends this capability even further. Denodo 6.0 includes a brand new and easy to use, browser based user interface that provides Google-like search capabilities for both data and metadata, the ability to visually represent the lineage for any given data item and the relationships between published data entities.
Watch my session Data Science: Expediting Use of Data by Business Users with Self-service Discovery and Search to find out how these capabilities expedite not just access to the data for business users, but ensures they are also accessing the right data, and the right data fast!
- Data Virtualization: Thinking Outside the Bowl - July 31, 2019
- 3 Pillars of GDPR Compliance - May 9, 2018
- 3 Steps to Data Protection Compliance (GDPR) - May 9, 2017