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data security


GDPR in the Coronavirus Age

Reading Time: 2 minutes With COVID-19, it might be easy to miss the second anniversary of the GDPR on Monday 25 May. But GDPR is still highly relevant, especially here in the UK, as it relates to the use of mobile apps to support…

Data Governance

3 Pillars of GDPR Compliance

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Forrester report “Predictions 2018: A year of reckoning” predicted that 80% of firms affected by the GDPR will not be able to comply with the regulation by the time it comes into force on May 25. Of those noncompliant…

From Ego-centric To Eco-centric: Future-Proofing Energy and Utilites Operations
Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Technology

From Ego-centric To Eco-centric: Future-Proofing Energy and Utilites Operations

Reading Time: 5 minutes How we generate, manage, and consume energy is changing, especially in this volatile post-pandemic world. A sustainable utility future requires improved business resilience with the ability to quickly address new energy-transition requirements as well as increasing regulatory and political demands….
