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data architecture

Make Your Data Warehouse Flexible
Data Science

Limber up Your Data Warehouse

Reading Time: 2 minutes Some might think that data warehouses are outdated and unnecessary, because today you can store large volumes of data quickly and easily in a data lake or a data reservoir. I think this is a bit short-sighted. How can you…

Liberate your Data - Logical Data Warehouses

Liberate Your Data Using Logical Data Warehouses

Reading Time: 3 minutes Logical data warehouses, driven by data virtualization, are the force of the future. Yet while many BI specialists have embraced the logical data warehouse in theory, they struggle with the actual practical application of data virtualization. Some seem to feel…

Data Management success

What is your Data Management Style?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Data management is the key to unlock the true potential of your business. The right combination of data management tools can make all the difference to your data strategy. Access to critical data can drive important business decisions and also…

Regulatory Compliance & Logical Data Management
Data Lake

Emergence of the Logical Data Warehouse

Reading Time: 3 minutes The amount of data we have at our disposal is growing immensely. More and more systems are creating an increasing amount of data in an increasing number of places. This seems like an opportunity for more information and for improved…

Data Silos
Data Science

Data Silos: Beat the Gremlins!

Reading Time: 5 minutes While companies focus on obtaining a holistic view of their data to make insight-driven decisions, chief data officers struggle with the uncontrollable growth of hundreds of data silos and different information systems that prevent them from delivering true business value….
