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Data Fabric

3 Steps to Data Protection Compliance (GDPR)

Reading Time: 3 minutes The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect on May 25th, 2018, and all businesses that serve European Union customers will be required to comply. Companies that fall short of compliance with GDPR will be subject…

Data Fabric

The Big Data Explosion

Reading Time: 2 minutes The big-data-world, it seems, is jumping on the data-virtualization-bandwagon. According to Gartner, “By 2018, organizations with data virtualization capabilities will spend 40% less on building and managing data integration processes for connecting distributed data assets.”1 This solidifies data virtualization as…

Data Virtualization a supermarket for data

Data Virtualization: A Supermarket for Data

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is data virtualization? Here’s an analogy using a concept that we can all relate to: a supermarket. Picture the scene: Shopping list in one hand, shopping basket in the other, you’re ready to tackle your weekly shopping in your…

Data Integrity in the Cloud

Data Integrity in the Cloud

Reading Time: 2 minutes We hear a lot about data ‘in the cloud’, and if you’re working in a regulated environment like biotech/pharma, the idea of your data floating around in the ether may have you a little freaked out. But, whether your data…
