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data virtualization


The Pandemic, Cloud Adoption, and the Future

Reading Time: 3 minutes The pandemic caused considerable disruption, but as a result, it also accelerated cloud adoption. As we moved towards remote working and switched to online customer interactions, it became clear that the cloud was more than just a “nice to have,”…

Cruise to the Cloud with Denodo

Cruise to the Cloud with Denodo

Reading Time: 3 minutes As SME’s and large-scale enterprises strive and succeed in a competitive, ever-expanding environment of digital transformation and data management, cloud solutions are emerging as the newest saviour in the digital sphere. Cloud computing is known to be one of the…

Traveling the World with New Eyes
Data Science

Traveling the World with New Eyes

Reading Time: 4 minutes The phrase “The true voyage of discovery does not consist in seeking new lands, but in having new eyes,” extracted with a certain freedom of synthesis from Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time is perhaps one of his best…
