Fast Data Strategy

Drinking from the fire hose of Fast Data?

Reading Time: 2 minutesMake data virtualization the crucial link to your Fast Data Strategy. Enterprises are quickly adopting data management strategies to derive value out of Fast Data. What is Fast Data? Fast Data or data in motion is streaming data generated at…

Make Your Data Warehouse Flexible
Data Science

Limber up Your Data Warehouse

Reading Time: 2 minutesSome might think that data warehouses are outdated and unnecessary, because today you can store large volumes of data quickly and easily in a data lake or a data reservoir. I think this is a bit short-sighted. How can you…

Autodesk Wins Big, Leveraging the Denodo Platform

Autodesk Wins Big, Leveraging the Denodo Platform

Reading Time: 2 minutesI was excited to learn that Autodesk, a Denodo customer, was recognized as the winner of the prestigious 2015 Ventana Research Leadership Awards for Big Data, within the larger category of Technology Innovation. Each year, the Ventana Research Awards honor…
