

Bridging the Insurance Divide: How Data Sharing and Governance Strengthen Underwriter-Broker Collaboration
Analytics, Data Governance, Data Science, Technology

Bridging the Insurance Divide: How Data Sharing and Governance Strengthen Underwriter-Broker Collaboration

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the intricate world of insurance, the relationship between underwriters and brokers is pivotal. Brokers serve as trusted advisors, connecting clients to the best-fit policies, while underwriters assess risks and ensure the financial viability of coverage. Despite their shared goals,…

Active Data Architecture: The Need of the Hour
Business, Data Governance, Data Management, Data Science

Active Data Architecture: The Need of the Hour

Reading Time: 3 minutesAs organizations continue to pursue increasingly time-sensitive use-cases including customer 360° views, supply-chain logistics, and healthcare monitoring, they need their supporting data infrastructures to be increasingly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. Howard Dresner refers to such infrastructures as “active data architecture.” Dresner…
