
data virtualization


Breathe new life into your ETL Processes

Reading Time: 2 minutesBreathe new life into your ETL Processes In many organizations, data integration still means using ETL processes to perform the traditional heavy-lifting of data replication and consolidation. While ETL is a tried and tested method for consolidating structured data into…


V is for Big Data Virtualization

Reading Time: 3 minutesYou’ve undoubtedly heard the (tired) definition of big data involving the three “Vs” for volume, variety, and velocity. Now there’s a growing movement to associate a fourth V-word with big data sets: virtualization. But what is data virtualization? For years,…


Data Virtualization benefits – immediate ROI

Reading Time: 2 minutesData virtualization benefits impact on both the business and IT. It delivers value in a relatively short period and keeps paying back over time. From a business perspective, getting integrated information faster has resulted in numerous benefits including better customer…

Data Science

Intelligent Caching in Data Virtualization

Reading Time: 4 minutesCaching is one of the most important capabilities of a Data Virtualization platform to provide the right combination of high performance, low latency of information, minimum source impact, and reducing cost of needless data replication. In fact, the options for caching and…
