

Data movement killed the BI star

Data Movement Killed the BI Star

Reading Time: 5 minutesBusiness Intelligence (BI) is critical for the success of today’s enterprise. However, many companies still struggle to figure out how to use analytics to take advantage of their data. It is not the informational BI tools they have; it’s simply…

Data Management success

What is your Data Management Style?

Reading Time: 2 minutesData management is the key to unlock the true potential of your business. The right combination of data management tools can make all the difference to your data strategy. Access to critical data can drive important business decisions and also…


Breathe new life into your ETL Processes

Reading Time: 2 minutesBreathe new life into your ETL Processes In many organizations, data integration still means using ETL processes to perform the traditional heavy-lifting of data replication and consolidation. While ETL is a tried and tested method for consolidating structured data into…
