

Investment in Hadoop

Maximizing Your Investment in Hadoop

Reading Time: 2 minutesHadoop makes it possible for any organization to analyze huge amounts of data, at low cost and on commodity hardware. This is a major improvement from the past, when data analysis involved expensive servers – and therefore big budgets. Now,…

Data Lake

Logical Data Lakes

Reading Time: 3 minutesData lakes have captured the imagination in the past few months. The idea of having all of your data stored in a ‘lake’ – available to all and sundry – is very appealing to both data architects and to the…


Myths in Data Virtualization Performance

Reading Time: 3 minutesUpdate: Interested in data virtualization performance? Check out our most recent blog posts, “Performance of Data Virtualization in Logical Data Warehouse Scenarios” and “Physical vs Logical Data Warehouse Performance: The Numbers.”   The topic I probably get asked most about…


Breathe new life into your ETL Processes

Reading Time: 2 minutesBreathe new life into your ETL Processes In many organizations, data integration still means using ETL processes to perform the traditional heavy-lifting of data replication and consolidation. While ETL is a tried and tested method for consolidating structured data into…
