
self-service bi


Catering to Customers, Individually

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe current data-volume explosion can be traced back to a time when our society began to focus more on customers as individuals. We see ourselves as independent, unique people with free will, not bound by social conformity. Catering to that…


The Key to Becoming Data-Driven in Six Weeks

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe live in the world of data, which is “ahem” a few zettabytes of nuggets floating around us constantly with growth every second. This data flow has increased our appetite for accessing information whether it is connected or not connected…

Data Science

Data Integration, Made Easy (and Fast!)

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis blog was penned by guest blogger, Thibault Perier, Data Scientist from Astrakhan Innovation Management. A typical company manages many disparate data sources, representing volumes that are only growing larger over time (all whilst big data repositories expand in capacity…
